Friday, 31 August 2012

HTML Editors: Another P2PU Challenge!


In the end, I opted for simplicity combined with versatility. I found myself feeling comfortable with two editors: Free JavaScript Editor and jEdit- neither especially built for HTML, but both with a facility for saving HTML documents and recognising all the various components by making them pretty colours! 

jEdit is the most versatile in terms of format, however, I like the Free JavaScript Editor, because it works with CSS and JavaScript too- and this is how I will be working with HTML. Plus, I love the facility for debugging Javascript code!

My first P2PU challenges

First encounter with P2PU challenges...

I discovered P2PU through wonderful google. Joining P2PU is part of my own personal challenge to gain fluency in  programming, and to eventually get a job doing it!

The first challenge I took part in was to introduce myself, hence the existence of this blog: 'Seraphina's Scratch Pad'. Challenge #2 was to copy some html by hand. See below

I wrote it myself by hand. #2 Writing HTML by Hand
I had to find some JavaScript challenges too. So I discovered What is JavaScript, and decided to dive in straight away!

To be continued....

Hello World by Seraphina

How it looks, typed out normally.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Hello World by Seraphina</title>
    <h1>Code by fledgling programmer!</h1>
    Code written in my own words...

...and translated in English:
Hello World by Seraphina

Code by fledgling programmer!

Code written in my own words...

My first steps

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog!

Here's a little about myself...

I've been making avant-garde films for ten years, and recently took up a maths degree at the Open University. It seemed natural that every mathematician should learn to program, so around a year ago I started learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. More recently, I discovered free Stanford online courses- AI and Machine Learning being two I completed, and I'm currently learning Python through Udacity.

The P2PU "Hello World" challenge

I shall provide some tasty links during my next free moment- but must dash!